My mum was driving me to school and on the side of the road there was a box. I asked my mum if I could look in it. She said no and kept going to school. She told me when we got to school that she would not be able to pick me up that day. I said ok.
At school I told my friends about the box. They didn’t seem to care that much but one of my friends said I should go get it after school. Not to look like a chicken. I went up to the box and looked in it.
to my surprise! it was a little puppy, he must have only been dumped earlier that day when we first came across the box. He was a little scruff ball but I had to take him home and make sure he was okay. My mother was furious! She told me I was irresponsible and it could be crawling with diseases or infections and to take it back where I found it. I finally persuaded her to take it to the SPCA.
To my surprise! It was a little puppy, so I took it home and my mum to my surprise! it was a little puppy, that I took the box home after she said not to look in it she said it could have diseases. She said that we are taking it to the SPCA so I sadly put the puppy in the car and we were off the SPCA. I was sad the whole way there.
When we got there we went through big shiny glass doors. A lady greeted us with a questionable look, referencing the big box I held close to my side. “how can I help dear?” My mum assisted me to the back of the room to a nice big chair and pretty view from the window. I sat patiently while my mum explained the situation of the stray dog to the vet nurse. The vet nurse then explained if the stray puppy was not picked up in seven days that we can come pick it up. My face lit up with glee.
On the way back home I asked her if we could have after seven days she said maybe in my head i said maybe isn’t a no but not a yes ether when i got home i got on my laptop and started to research what puppys need i made a list of what they need. I made a slideshow of why we should get a puppy. I should get it to my mum. She's fine but I have to look after it, not her. I said THANK YOU! and gave her a big hug.
That was the longest seven days of my life. I told all my friends about the puppy. They said that it's cool and they want a puppy. After seven days my mum and I went back to the SPCA and asked about the puppy and they said that he's still here. I went to go see him. He looked like a different puppy that didn’t look like the scrafty puppy I found a week ago. We paid for him and took him home.
When we got home I took him upstairs to my room and started to think of a name for him. I picked Cooper as his name. He is a golden retriever he is now my best friend and I can't live without Cooper. That box changed my life.
I hope you like this story of mine i have more that are not done yet and I will post soon.